Literatur Details

TitelWeb Robot Detection - The Influence of Robots on Web Mining
InAhr, D.; Fahrion, R.; Oswald, M.; Reinelt, G. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2003, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, S. 181-188.
Autor(en)Christian Bomhardt and Wolfgang Gaul
KeywordsWeb Robot Detection, e-Metrics, Association Rules, Micro Conversion Rates
AbstractWeb usage mining relies on web server logfile data. Parts of this data originate from web robots. This can - with respect to the original aims of web mining - lead to contradicting decisions based on distorted results. We describe possibilities of web robot detection and give examples how, e.g., e-metrics and results of association rule algorithms can differ based on raw logfiles versus those that consist of requests of human users or web robots.
Ausgewählte Literatur
Kumar, V.; Tan, P.-N. (2000):
Modeling of Web Robot Navigational Patterns, ACM WebKDD Workshop, 2000.
Kumar, V.; Tan, P.-N. (2001):
Discovery Of Web Robot Sessions Based On Their Navigational Patterns,WEBKDD - Special Issue for the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal.

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